Announcing the HuntMaster: .300 Win Mag Coming Spring 2023

Announcing the HuntMaster: .300 Win Mag Coming Spring 2023
February 27, 2023 Edited October 16, 2023 32980 view(s)
Announcing the HuntMaster: .300 Win Mag Coming Spring 2023

.300 Win Mag is so special we had to build the gun around the cartridge!!!

Bear Creek Arsenal’s new HuntMaster line starts with a totally new AR platform, the BC-8, which is bigger than the AR-10 in order to hold calibers like the first one to be introduced: the .300 Winchester Magnum.

Celebrating its sixtieth birthday this year, the .300 Winchester Magnum has proven itself in multiple venues:  hunting, long-range (1,000 yard) competitions, military, and law enforcement. Its parent cartridge, the .375 H&H Magnum, is strictly for dangerous game. Winchester decided to take the case, cut it off, and neck it down for .308 diameter bullets. Turned out to be a great decision!

Hunters like the large selection of bullet weights to match with their prey, from 150 grain for deer-sized game to 200 grain for everything up to and including grizzly bear, buffalo, and elk. Long-range competition shooters enjoy the flat trajectory derived from the combination of high velocity and ballistic coefficient. Military snipers have used it in conflicts from Vietnam through today with special forces especially partial to it.

The first version of the 300 Win Mag  Huntmaster will have a 20” LIGHTWEIGHT Parkerized barrel, 15” MLOK split rail, Magpul MOE Rifle Stock and MOE PLUS grip. It will also include a 6 lb AMI Trigger group, rifle length gas system, and 8 oz buffer. Bear Creek Arsenal’s precision barrel manufacturing techniques allow this gun to shoot 3 ¼” groups at 500 yards!

With its hard-hitting power and amazing accuracy, the Bear Creek Arsenal HUNTMASTER in .300 Winchester Magnum is a phenomenal addition to any collection. Look for it coming spring of 2023! 

300 win mag rifle shooting

BREAKING NEWS: The HUNTMASTER line will be expanded to include .30-06, .270 Winchester, and 7mm Remington Magnum.  From gophers to grizzly bears, the Huntmaster has a caliber to meet every hunter’s needs.


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Phillip SmithI
February 27, 2023
will ther be any pre-ordering .300 win mag
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
As of right now there is no determination of whether we are pre-selling these rifles for retail. We are pre-selling these rifles to dealers and our plan is to ship out to dealers starting April 3rd, our launch is potentially scheduled for June 3rd but this is subject to change. Reach out to your local dealer to pick one up early!
David watson
February 27, 2023
Very cool, any other company making something similar?
Ryan McCauley
February 27, 2023
Flakor petra. But it’s like 5 grand.
February 28, 2023
Nemo arms. Also 5k plus
Neil Campbell
February 28, 2023
Nemo arms starting at 3900
Ben Munat
March 4, 2023
Noreen makes ARs in .300 win mag and .30-06. I got one in the latter and I love it. It was almost $3k though and the magazines are pretty unreliable. HEY BEAR CREEK: It would be super sweet if these new uppers fit on Noreen lowers or at the very least, if your mags worked with Noreen and functioned better!
March 14, 2023
As already answered, there's at least 3 other commercial companies making AR-platforms in .300 Win Mag, but they're all very pricey models running in the neighborhood of a decent used car. If Bear Creek is true to form, they'll probably bring this in somewhere between a little over $1k to $1.5k, in which case they'll have my money (yet again).
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
There are only 3 other competitors in the market and their pricing starts at $3500 and goes up to $8000
Sean kendall
February 27, 2023
Take my money! Sign me up! Where’s the pre-order? BCA has done it again. waiting for the option to buy another awesome BCA setup!
February 27, 2023
Can we pre order the 300 Winchester magnum
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release, we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
March 31, 2023
Can you provide a link to this landing page?
Clint Bridges
April 4, 2023
Cannot find the landing page. Is there a link to it somewhere?
February 27, 2023
A must have
February 27, 2023
SOUNDS AWESOME now I need to start saving because I want 1 of each.
David Grant
February 27, 2023
The 300 win mag in an AR Plant form is crazy. Can't wait to buy and take it to the range. Will be my new hunting rifle.
Robert Peoples
February 27, 2023
Awesome addition , looking forward to it.
Doug mathews
February 27, 2023
What will the price point be on the huntmaster line?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
The MSRP will be $1989 on both calibers.
August 3, 2023
Oooh that price is right ! Hope you all make alot of them. At that price point if accurate and reliable, those will sell fast. My credit card is standing by !
Bud Weiser
February 27, 2023
Much of your market is in humid climes, and nitride barrels are what is needed, not just preferred. At least you got the barrel weight right.
March 14, 2023
Nitride is ok, Stainless steel would be much better, and last longer. If they offered it with Stainless barrels I would be game.
March 16, 2023
Definitely needs a nitrided barrel!
Eric Langston
February 27, 2023
Will it be available in a 22”or 24” medium heavy or heavy barrel? If we are going to build one let’s build it right. It needs the length to stabilize a 190g 300 mag.
Don T.
February 28, 2023
I AGREE I am ready to Pre Order now.
March 14, 2023
Yes we need long heavy barrels. A lot of people do not mind a little extra weight
Reed Gregory
March 14, 2023
I ain’t buying one till it’s in a 24” barrel
Gerald C Proctor Jr
April 8, 2023
Same Here
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
It will be available with longer barrels at a later date, the first is a 20” barrel with the 22” and 24” barrels to follow suite. Barrel weight is unlikely to be a medium or heavy barrel as we still need to consider the weight of the rifle overall.
Lyle e walter jr
May 16, 2023
ok I understand the reason for keeping the weight down but come on, y'all don't think anyone spending 2grand on a rifle hasn't thought about the weight? seriously a SS 26inch barrel medium heavy is what 75% of us want. ya 24inch is nice but 26 is what's wanted. We are not hiking thru the mountains.
August 6, 2023
Is there an approximate date when it will be available in a longer barrel?
Emilian Tuns
April 24, 2023
Yes i am waiting for the 22' or 24' barrel in 7mm rem mag!!
Freddie Rambo
September 26, 2023
I agree and hope they do offer in 22 & 24" barrels. When and if they do , I will be buying one.
Lex Perez
February 27, 2023
MAN! I’m hating Commiefornia right about now. However still getting one!
Don Trower
February 27, 2023
Bump that up to 35 Whelen and I’ll be on it like a chicken on a June bug! It would be my fourth BCA purchase.
March 14, 2023
I second this great idea.
March 14, 2023
Another for 35 Whelen! An all time great cartridge for North American hunters.
A Piper
March 14, 2023
Another vote from me for 35 Whelen!
Garner Blair
June 1, 2023
Yes to 35 whelen
Steven Kernan
February 27, 2023
I want the 30-06 caliber. Please notify me asap.
John Miller
February 27, 2023
I'd buy that in a heartbeat!
James Taylor
March 14, 2023
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
TJ Fierros
February 27, 2023
How to we get in a notification list for pre order if there will be one?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
Bobby Ringgold
February 27, 2023
im loving all the cool stuff yall are making. Can't wait to get some more awesome guns
February 27, 2023
Although some folks might like to watch the fire show at night when a large portion of wasted powder from the 300 Win Mag Cartridge burns in the air when shot from a short 20 inch barrel, you really need to offer a 26 inch barrel option for those that would rather use the powder to push the bullet faster to achieve reasonable long range velocities. Please consider a 26 inch or longer barrel. At 20 inches I see very little speed increase over that of the 30-06, since so much of the powder in the larger cartridge will not be utilized in pushing the bullet.
Eric Langston
March 1, 2023
100% with you. The best possible ammo it will handle is 150g. If I want to shoot 150g I will go with a 308 or 30-06. I built a 300 mag precision rifle a couple years ago with a 26” barrel and it’s sub MOA all day long at 1100 yards with a 195g accubond.
March 14, 2023
That’s why you reload and use a powder with a faster burn rate so that all of it is used up within the barrel.
March 14, 2023
the 300win mags of the world don’t tend to like fast burning powders. they typically shoot best with the slower burn rates.
February 27, 2023
Welp, bout to find out how solid my marriage is. I have been waiting for BCA to do this.
Troy Smith
March 15, 2023
You took the words right out of my mouth, LOL... Ditto Brother.
William Arnold
March 20, 2023
Charles Matteson
October 13, 2023
Stay single, buy guns, eat ramen till next pay day.... wash, rinse, repeat. Your welcome
February 27, 2023
I have never bought a rifle over 2k. But I just might for one of these 300's. I have bought several of BCAs uppers and they have all been great. Wheres the preorder at......
David W.
March 14, 2023
Who said $2000.00? I would suspect these will be sub $1000.00.
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
February 27, 2023
Any thoughts on a 338 Norma mag ?
March 14, 2023
the 338 norma requires a larger diameter bolt face than the 300win mag. the 300 and 338 norma’s use the same bolt face diameter as the 338 lapua. i’d imagine it would require a larger platform than the one designed for the 300win mag.
Jim Childers
February 27, 2023
Bring back the 410 or possibly 20 gauge
Chris Lent
February 28, 2023
Bca has a .410 upper
February 28, 2023
They have the 410 out right now......
Wayne H Crocker
May 23, 2023
great ! I will get one or both.
Seth Owens
February 27, 2023
Can't come fast enough!!! Better get here before I buy another McMILLAN!!!
Richard hurlbert
February 27, 2023
When did the Spring will it come out are you have a price point on it now
Jim in Carthage, NC
February 27, 2023
A tad over .5 MOA from a 20", very nice. I'm ordering one. First another upper this week in 7.62x51. Thanks BCA, for keeping me poor!!!!
R Hayes
February 27, 2023
Needa wanta got a have it
David Elwell
February 27, 2023
Very interested in the 30-06. Please inform us when it would be ready for purchase.
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
David Elwell
February 27, 2023
Very interested in the 30-06. Please inform us when it would be ready for purchase.
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
Bob W
February 27, 2023
Awesome, can't wait.
Adam Cochran
February 27, 2023
I need one... Seriously. Will you guys be building magazines for it too, or do you have a vendor in mind?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
We will be manufacturing a magazine, no current magazines would work. The rifle will be shipped with a single 5 round magazine. These will also be available for sale a later date but we are focusing on ensuring each rifle has one available first and then will make them available to customers as we are able to increase production. No timelines on when the magazines will be available for purchase separate to the rifle.
Gerald C Proctor Jr
April 8, 2023
10rd mags later?
Solomon Dudley
February 28, 2023
Can you ues ar10 lower receiver
February 28, 2023
No I read an article and it stated that you can use all ar10 parts except a lower receiver because of the size of the magazines to accommodate such a large round
Donald Casper
March 14, 2023
They call it an AR-8, new lower receiver but will use AR10 parts.
July 9, 2023
No if you read its a new size platform
Stephen voorhies
February 28, 2023
How much is the 300 win mag
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
The MSRP will be $1989 on both calibers.
lyn Edwards
February 28, 2023
I am very happy u guys have made this decision on this line up I ready for it to hit ur sight if anything like the rest of ur products I will order one of each.
Juan Vasquez
February 28, 2023
Shut up and take my money!!! O_o
February 28, 2023
I'm interested in the 300win mag . What is the price?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
The MSRP will be $1989 on both calibers.
H Reed gregory
February 28, 2023
This is what Iam talking about
H Reed gregory
February 28, 2023
Sure hope they offer in uppers and lowers for us on budgets
February 28, 2023
Nice, But I've been watching for an ar10 in .308 at under 8 lbs. Because weight is important when hunting large tracts.
H Reed Gregory
February 28, 2023
If your sitting in a stand it don’t matter how much it weighs, my bear creek 6.5 creedmoor with 9.36 barrel ain’t no light weight
February 28, 2023
Please add 8.6 BLK and 45 Raptor/ 45/308 rifles and uppers in the AR-10 format. Lots of us shoot suppressed now. Love to get more calibers, and would get them from you if built them at a reasonable price. Thanks!
Solomon Dudley
February 28, 2023
Love bca uppers now they new calibers coming soon i.have told alot of people bout bca i.have 450bushmaster 7.62x39 love both calibers
Carson Hamilton
February 28, 2023
What is the MSRP going to be? I am definitely interested. Is there a waiting list?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
The MSRP will be $1989 on both calibers. Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
Daniel Schou
February 28, 2023
Yesssss....... Never owned a BCA before But this will definitely make me give you guys a try.
rocky stewart
February 28, 2023
this is my next rifle. please hurry up. if there is a pre order let me know.
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
Andrew Perry
February 28, 2023
Waiting for these BC8's. I am wanting the 30-06 and the 300WinMag. I own and love my AR10 .308 And my sons love thier 300BLK and 5.56 I bought for them. Dad needs to get spoiled again.
Timothy Henke
February 28, 2023
I will take 7mm rem mag
Dennis Conrad Sr.
February 28, 2023
Looking forward to the release of this new rifle.
Stacey Culpepper
February 28, 2023
Brian Cannon
February 28, 2023
Why not a 22 inch barrel?
Richard Michael
February 28, 2023
Can’t wait, let me know when it becomes available! Any specifications available yet?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
Harold DeGreen
February 28, 2023
Do you think u might be chamber the 338 win or a 300 in a 24 or 26 inch stainless barrel
Basuki Zaini
February 28, 2023
How much? Pleaaaseee don't sell expensive!
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
The MSRP will be $1989 on both calibers.
Jon Self
March 1, 2023
I'm definitely down for one in 7mm Remington Magnum & 450 marlin lol just thinking out loud ???????? lol..
Joseph Superfisky
March 1, 2023
F*cking awesome, put me down for 2 of them in 300 MAG, Can we pre pay or pre order? 22 or 24 inch barrel please !!!!, also Can I just get the barreled. upper and lower because I want to put my own hand guard and stock on it or maybe we can order tyhem with the magpul PRS stock and the Hera 15 inch IRS handguard.
Lincoln Robtoy
March 1, 2023
This is a good call ,the 300 Winchester magnum is a very good round it will handle any large game animal
Eric Langston
March 1, 2023
6 lb trigger? Good luck with accuracy. Better get that down to 1.5lb-2lb two stage and make it adjustable.
March 14, 2023
1.5lbs is pretty light for an ar platform. they wouldn’t ever put a trigger in there gun like that for liability reasons. i’ve seen bump fires in gas gun matches before.
March 14, 2023
Especially with 300WM recoil. Can’t move your finger back fast enough to stop a bumpfire with 1.5lb trigger.
Bill Mc Caslin
March 1, 2023
Once again, I'm impressed with BCA, Time to sell off old stock to afford new stock, very impressive numbers on the accuracy.
March 1, 2023
Keep us Great Lakes folks in mind and make a .350 Legend version!
Donald Casper
March 14, 2023
The 350 legend is already available in the AR-15 platform. I have one and LOVE to shoot it!
Kenn H
March 15, 2023
You could also look for a 450 bushmaster and get much better stopping power over the 350
Gregory Gideon
March 1, 2023
When will 7 mag be out? Can I pre order oh yes how much will it cost???
March 2, 2023
If it shoots good and affordable (under 1500) you should move a lot of them.
Robbie Picou
March 2, 2023
My son and I and a couple hunting friends have a number of your ar15 uppers, 350 legend, 450 bushmaster, 6.5 grendel, 223. I am very satisfied with the quality. My only complaint is that on the hunting calibers, 450 bushmaster, and 350 legend I wish you offered a lightweight contour barrel. Compared to my original bushmaster manufactured 450BM upper with light weight contoured barrel the Bear Creek uppers are considerably heavier, by over a pound. Since these are not long-range calibers nor plinking calibers and are used mostly for hunting there seems no real benefit for the heavy barrels, only extra weight which is never welcome. Would you guys offer uppers in these calibers with light weight contoured barrels, or can you furnish replacement barrels for my current upper in 350 legend and 450 Bushmaster, or can you modify the existing 16" heavy barrels?? Buy the way, the 450BM especially, as well as the 350 legend are awesome close in/bush guns. I have taken +-15 bucks with the 450 at ranges from 30-100 yds and it is extremely lethal on whitetails. My favorite upper is topped with an EO Tec holographic which is light weight and accurate for the application of woods hunting out of tents or ladder stands. Plus, it's really nice to have a backup shot or two when needed as dense cover and bucks in rut can create some challenging conditions. best regards,
John Shirley
March 14, 2023
Extra weight is sometimes welcome. The .450 has a bit more recoil than a .30-06, which is not known as a lightly recoiling cartridge. Add to that an AR stock which is not really optimized for handling recoil.
Clare May
April 11, 2023
Add on a "Limbsaver" slip on pad to the regular full length stock...recoil problem solved.
Anthony hopkins
March 2, 2023
375 Ruger maybe 458 win mag ????
Ken Noll
March 14, 2023
YES! Please make uppers available in .458 win mag, as well as 338 win mag!
Michael Kirkland
March 2, 2023
Heck yea. !!!!!!
Anthony Ours
March 4, 2023
This is a nice line. Next step 50cal? ????????
Ben Munat
March 4, 2023
I know the design phase is long past but I'm really hoping your uppers and mags fit on/work with my Noreen BN36x3. In particular, it would be nice to have a different magazine option and hopefully more reliable.
Ken Noll
March 14, 2023
Everyone will be selling their Noreens (I will be) once this comes out.
March 6, 2023
I might consider a BCA in .300 Win Mag, and probably another in .30-06 with a spare upper in 270. I already have rifles and ammo in all three calibers. Problem will be, unless the KAWCA is struck down I'll need to be able to rig them CAL legal.
Don Edwards
March 9, 2023
I want one?
James Mickelsen
March 9, 2023
I will get one love the 300 WM
SSG. M. Harlan Byrd
March 9, 2023
Why not chamber it in .300 Remington Ultra Magnum. That is a way better cartridge than the .300 Win Mag.
March 14, 2023
Definitely needing a 26" barrel then! Love my two RUMs and that would be a desired addition.
Ken Noll
March 14, 2023
The 300 RUM will most probably be too long for this platform. If not, the sky is the limit on chamberings! How about a .375 RUM? Ultimate grizzly medicine!
Sum Guy
March 9, 2023
284 Shehane (or at least 284 win) and 7mm-08. For long COAL.
Dakota Nowak
March 13, 2023
Make a none treaded barrel model 30-06
March 14, 2023
I anxiously waiting for them to be available!!!! ????
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
Richard Sechowski
March 14, 2023
How about a 12ga upper for an ar10
Shawn Sproles
March 14, 2023
When can we buy it. I've bought from you several times in the past.
March 14, 2023
30-06 cant wait
Andrew McPhate
March 14, 2023
A 6lb trigger? How about a 2 or 3 lb trigger?
donald walker
March 14, 2023
let me know when it gets in stock
March 14, 2023
.35 Whelan ????
George LaBudde
March 14, 2023
Put me on top of the list for this rifle
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
March 14, 2023
Please offer a version of these with 26 inch barrels and 3-4 pound triggers. Most companies making these type guns always ruin the “hype” of the cartridge with short performance reduction barrels.
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
It will be available with longer barrels at a later date, the first is a 20” barrel with the 22” and 24” barrels to follow suite.
Clare May
April 11, 2023
Thank you. ...and of course you'll offer just the complete uppers at some time in the future so we can build one of our own? And and and... make the lower compatible to take the uppers of the 300 win with the 30-06 with the .270 perhaps? Lol...
Clare May
April 11, 2023
...and just a thought, I see your getting a lot of inquires for 7mm.... Just so happens I got a .284 Winchester Model 100 semi auto 4 shot, with plenty of extra ammo that I would enjoy burning through your platform. You might not sell a lot, However...for collectors, you could re-create the rare Winchester wildcat version that they did in 1963...
Kenneth Hutchinson
March 14, 2023
30-06 please! with a 22" or 24" barrel and a 300 win mag with 24" barrel. IS there going to be a preorder date?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
It will be available with longer barrels at a later date, the first is a 20” barrel with the 22” and 24” barrels to follow suite. Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
March 14, 2023
2 words: He!! yeah!!!
Casey Nielsen
March 14, 2023
Can't wait
March 14, 2023
Can we pre-order?!?!!
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
March 14, 2023
Looking forward to the 7mm Rem Mag. Hope it will have a 24" barrel. .
March 14, 2023
Not big enough. Let’s do a 338LM. Now you’re talking
Jayme Thompson
March 14, 2023
I love this. 300 win is one of my favorite cartridges. Keep up the great work and innovation BCA.
Roger Boughner
March 14, 2023
Wondering if you have thought about using the PRC cartridges like the .300 PRC or the 7mm PRC. These new cartridges are the future for many who shoot long range.
Mark S Davis
April 29, 2023
I must agree. The ease of reloading and the higher ballistic coefficients of the PRC calibers should be the deciding factor. Let's look forward, not backwards to the future of the long range hunting cartridges! You will have more customers! At least make the most impressive of the three. The 7mm PRC
Danny Hubble
March 14, 2023
That’s awesome!
March 14, 2023
What will the twist rate be? Please go with something fast enough to stabilize up to 230gr.
Steve Herritz
March 14, 2023
Can we pre-order or can you give us a day when we can order one on the 300 win mag
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
March 14, 2023
26” or longer barrel version needed
Gary Heidorn
March 14, 2023
Put me down for the 300 win mag and the 30-06
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
March 14, 2023
Heading down that path, you should consider a bolt action AR and with longer barrels. Personally don’t see a point to mags in a AR platform unless it can shoot sub Mia.
Jonathan watts
March 14, 2023
Will be cool as long as they are 5 to 10k like other few companies that make them
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
The MSRP will be $1989 on both calibers.
Jim Goss
March 14, 2023
About how much with the .300 Win Mag weigh (complete rifle)? Can the trigger pull weight be adjusted? Will I need to relocate or replace my shoulder after firing it?
John Coffer
March 14, 2023
I am looking forward to getting one just wondering how much it’s going to cost ????
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
The MSRP will be $1989 on both calibers.
March 14, 2023
Please email when this available to preorder 24” heavy barrel
Geoffrey Penuel
March 14, 2023
Nemo arms did it 7 years ago and still produce the 300 WM AR platform. BCA you've got big shoes to fill, hope you can compete with them. If so, I'll buy 1
March 14, 2023
300 Win mag...! sign me up! I want one! Pre-order? I might also suggest a 280 Caliber! 280 uses the same casing as the 30-06 and 270! Probably the flattest flier with some real good knockdown power capabilities! 30-06 caliber and lower calibers will also be a whole lot less stressful on the AR components. 300 Win Mag, 7mm, etc will be very hard on the AR components. Additionally, Noreen used to offer 280 in their lineup of big platform ARs! I think Bear Creek should start with the smaller of the bigger calibers. Keep your customers happy with better proprietary, functional large platform ARs! Then BCA should expand to the larger big platform calibers! I will probably buy one of your first 300 Win Mag ARs anyway! I own quite a few of your uppers in 9mm thru 308! Like em all!
Micah Risse
March 14, 2023
Uhhhhhh....Yes Please!
Steven Paulino
March 14, 2023
Very excited! Can’t beat Bear Creek price, quality, and superb functionality and accuracy. I have over ten BC arms and have helped friends build well over twenty others. All extremely happy.
Jeff Bugg
March 14, 2023
Looking forward to buying this rifle!
Sean Citron
March 14, 2023
Heck yes!!! i will be ordering one when avail. 300 win mag. and possibly 7mm. amazing balistics from both!
March 14, 2023
The possibilities are endless. 25/06, 6.5/06, 280, 338/06, 338 mag,
AR Mike
March 14, 2023
Shut up and take my Money! I will take it!!!!!!
Ryan Lee
March 14, 2023
Do you have an approximate cost for the 300 Win Mag yet?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
The MSRP will be $1989 on both calibers.
tommy link
March 14, 2023
I am very interested and excited to see this. I have purchased multiple Bear Creek uppers to include my .458 SOCOM which I love for hog hunting in south Georgia. I have been waiting to get my hands on a sub MOA semiautomatic.300 win mag.
Michael Luedeke
March 14, 2023
I hope you will offer a 24" barrel. I wouldn't waste my money on a 20" barrel.
phil schaefer
March 14, 2023
So pleased, also wishing for barrel lengths over 24 inches to incorporate the larger propellant capacity of the magnum cartridges.
samson pedroza
March 14, 2023
March 14, 2023
Can’t wait for them to arrive!
Gregory l Barnes
March 14, 2023
how much will this weigh? cost? barrel length? rate of twist?
Doug shillingburg
March 14, 2023
I was looking at the Fusion in 300 win.mag a few years ago, but I couldn't justify $ 5,000.00 for one! I am a big fan of the 300 win mag as I have hunted with that caliber for over 25 yrs. I am sold on BCA products, as I own more then 2 hands can count. Please put me down for a pre- order and maybe in a 24 inch barrel.
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
Bert Guy
March 14, 2023
I am a big fan of the AR Platform! Have built with BCA uppers in multiple calibers from .22, 9mm, .223, 300BLK to .308s. I have always been a bigger fan of 30-06 than .308 because of the long ranges we hunt out west. Never used a 300 WM but would certainly consider it. DEFINITELY adding 30-06 AR8 to my hunting arsenal. Chomping at the bit, here!!!
March 14, 2023
Sounds Awesome!! Will this be sold as an upper assembly for an AR-10 lower? I have an AR-10 lower receiver just waiting for a cannon to mount on it!! Thanks!!
March 14, 2023
When & $ ?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available. The MSRP will be $1989 on both calibers.
Tommy Fazendin
March 14, 2023
Gonna need one of these! I would like to have a longer barrel though, but begars can't be choosers!
March 14, 2023
I would like to see a 26 inch plus barrel length.
Adam J Nehrt
March 14, 2023
Where do we sign up for the pre order? I want 1 of the 300 win mag please?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
Anthony E McDavid
March 14, 2023
What would be the price? Barrel length?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
The MSRP will be $1989 on both calibers. It will be available with longer barrels at a later date, the first is a 20” barrel with the 22” and 24” barrels to follow suite.
Kiril Dimitrov
March 14, 2023
As a BCA fan...and frequent buyer of your products...I'm very happy to see these big frame calibers come out. Kudos to BCA and it's staff!
March 14, 2023
when can I see one?
March 14, 2023
Looking forward to seeing and hearing more about this rifle. I like 300 win mag and 30.06.
March 14, 2023
Any thoughts about a .338 lapua? I am interested in the .300 win mag! But would love an ar platformed lapua to go with it
Gregory Hager
March 14, 2023
Definitely going to be taking a hard look at it when it drops. Also would like to see a 338 Federal, maybe a special order
March 14, 2023
Yes please, and thank you. I will take two in each flavor.
Christopher J Adam
March 14, 2023
I look forward to pulling the trigger on one of these
Larry Bledsoe sr
March 14, 2023
Sounds great. Can’t wait to see it. BCA has all ways done a good job.
March 14, 2023
Now just need a 338 lapua.
Yasir Chaudhari
March 14, 2023
BCA is from GOD.
Scott Vance
March 14, 2023
Fantastic! I own several of your fine firearms, and appreciate their quality and price. I’ve been waiting for this platform as well as a 10mm PCC. Thanks!
Avery Herring
March 14, 2023
I would love a 10mm too. One that uses Glock mags would be awesome.
March 14, 2023
Keep me posted ,I want one. This will be an awesome addition to my arsenal.
James Brown
March 14, 2023
All I have to say is, WOW. Will you ever manufacture a rifle in 45ACP?
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
done and available to purchase
Kenneth Roberts
March 14, 2023
I live in Alaska and hunt with the 300 Winchester magnum. I have been waiting for this for a long time. I will be purchasing one this spring.
March 14, 2023
Happy with the .308 , I WANT THE 30-06 !
James Sargent
March 14, 2023
Will you take my money please!!!!!!!
Michael Krout
March 14, 2023
I am patiently waiting for the 30.06 and 270 since you first announced them ,super excited
Michael McCathrin
March 14, 2023
Awesome! Been waiting for something like this. But I will be waiting for a longer barrel to stabilize heavier projectiles . As soon as you have at least a 26"-28" barrel for 200-220 gr. I'll buy it instantly!
Kenn Hughes
March 14, 2023
Make it in a 24” heavy barrel and send it with two 10+ round mags and you get my money!!
John Brower
March 14, 2023
I'll probably have to get 2 so I can at least keep 1 after the divorce
Tony Marino
March 14, 2023
You got my attention and hope I can afford it. Will be a great addition to the collection of bear creek uppers I have.
Robert Ferrier
March 14, 2023
Put me on the preorder list. I want it.
John at Customer Service
March 22, 2023
Coming out on Friday the 03/24/23 will be a landing page telling you more about where you can get the Huntmaster first, if you want to wait for public release we will also have an email sign up to be notified of its availability the minute it becomes available.
Donald Casper
March 14, 2023
Can't Wait!! Want the 30-06, 7MM, and 300WM!
James Lemley
March 14, 2023
Agreed. Please, Please, offer with a 24” - 26” medium heavy or heavy barrel for the 300 Win Mag..!
paulie G
March 14, 2023
i want 1 can,t wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 14, 2023
I can’t wait. Need a semi auto 300 win mag in my collection.
George Floyd
March 14, 2023
I think they will hit the mark with this. Also if they would get smart and make a 7mm-08 in their Ar10 uppers. They would have it all, make it every one I know wants a 7mm-08. Make it, you would have a winner no one wants a 22-250 or .243.