September BCA Newsletter

September BCA Newsletter
September 21, 2023 Edited January 19, 2024 918 view(s)
September BCA Newsletter

Glad you could join us for the September edition of the BEAR CREEK ARSENAL NEWSLETTER!!



Ah, yes ... SEPTEMBER. The beginning of that magical time between Labor Day and New Year’s, commonly referred to as HUNTING SEASON!!! BCA has a lot of ways to improve your chances of success. In other words, help those critters off their feet and into your freezer! BCA has introduced several new offerings to do just that.

Need to increase your range? Try one of our long-range BC8 HUNTMASTER calibers: .300 Win Mag, .30-06, or .270 Win. The BC8 Platform is larger than the AR15 and AR10. Matched with the right hunting bullet (construction and weight), all three of these calibers can take game UP TO AND INCLUDING GRIZZLEY BEAR OUT TO THREE HUNDRED YARDS, some even farther!

If you already have an AR10 or AR15 lower assembly, you may want to add a new upper assembly in a different caliber. BCA now has over twenty to pick from. Several are listed in the Ballistics Chart. Go to for a wide selection of accessories including binoculars, scopes, bore sighters, magazines, rangefinders, and ammo.


Be sure to check with your State Game Commission for seasons, special state-specific laws, and any restrictions on calibers.

Above all:  BE SAFE! Listed below are safety practices for hunting:

  • Wear hunter orange while hunting
  • Clearly identify the target and know the background
  • Never shoot at sounds or movement
  • Make sure the bore remains free of obstructions
  • Make sure your gun is properly sighted in
  • Never transport a loaded gun
  • Many states now require a Hunter Safety course before issuing a hunting license.



The BCA Foundation supports a wide variety of worthy causes. One that is highly anticipated each year is the  BACK IN THE WOODS AGAIN hunt for mobility challenged hunters (men, women, and children). The event was created by Jerome Davis who was a World Champion bull rider that was paralyzed after being thrown from a bull in 1998. The organization was founded in November 2011 to provide mobility challenged hunters a chance to get back in the woods again to deer hunt. Participants are provided transportation, lodging, food, any gear they may need, and guides to assist in the actual hunt. 

There are activities for all participants, hunters and volunteers alike. Food, vendor tables, and raffles are but a few of the ways the organization makes the event enjoyable for all.

This year there were 54 hunters that harvested 80 deer.

Thanks to dozens of volunteers and generous donations, from organizations like the BCA Foundation, the event is always a success. 



The popular BC8 platform, which houses the .300 Win Mag, 30-06, and .270 Win, is being modified to include 24” and 26” barrels. This will extend the effective range by increasing velocity.

Our newest pistol, the GENES1S II, is also getting some additional upgrades. In the near future there will be gold and stainless-steel fluted options.



Bear Creek Arsenal LLC is also very active in supporting the community and education. For example, located within an hour’s drive of our facility is Montgomery Community College, home of one of the top gunsmithing schools in the country. The gunsmithing program is so popular that there has been, at times, a two-year waiting list for enrollment. Bear Creek made a generous donation to complete the Bear Creek Arsenal Bluing Room. This provided for removing old equipment, re-structuring the room, and purchasing new equipment (photos attached.) Mark Dye, Director of the Gunsmithing Program and Jim Hill, with Bear Creek Arsenal, are holding a plaque that will be installed outside the bluing room.



Enter our September “HOG WILD” photo contest. Send us your hog hunt photos by September 30th . First prize is $500.00!!! Check out the details on the giveaway page.

We recently concluded our biggest photo contest yet ( Take Your Shot). A huge congratulations to all our winners. 


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Ken Keally
September 22, 2023
When will the 26 inch BC-8 be available?
September 22, 2023
Guys one more time when you will bring back the AR10 in left side configuration
Bart Kendrick
September 22, 2023
Let's hear some news about a 400 Legend upper. I really thought we would seesometging before hunting season. Sammy specs were out in February and factory ammo was on shelves in June. I have several hundred on hand. I really thought yall would be putting one out.
James Reed
September 22, 2023
How about a side charger upper for AR 10 so we can upgrade our BCA we have?
September 22, 2023
400 legend?
don brawner
September 23, 2023
OK how about 300 HMR barrels re chammber 300 BLK
wayne lasseigne
September 23, 2023
I wouldlove to get another rifle but going through tough times like everyone else.I would like a 243 0r 270 but cant make up my mind . It is driving me crazy. I have my 6.5 grendel and 223-5.56 wylde and love them. Had a lot of compliments on them and proud too.My son has a 223-5.56 wylde upper that I got from you on a Wise lower and he is jealous of my other two. tOUGH STUFF FOR HIM. I am trying to figure out how to get my next beauty from Bear Creek. Hope to be able to work something out pretty soon. Keep up the great work making those beautiful rifles . Thanks,Wayne
September 23, 2023
I was wondering if BCA is going to make the .400 Ledgend upper and if so what length of barrel options would be available.
October 5, 2023
I’d like to know when you’re going to offer more 20”-22” barrels in 223/556 and especially 762x39? There must be a 16” fetish in house because that’s the preponderance of your offerings. It’s a handy length for weekend warriors at the gravel pit storming fortifications but a real velocity robber for those of us that hunt.
Craig S
November 28, 2023
Any plans on producing a .400 legend upper? If so any thoughts on release date?
Keff Simpson
February 25, 2024
Bought a 350 legend upper last week. Harvested a 250 lb. Invasive wild boar . Thanks BCA.!
Kenneth Guy
December 4, 2024
Everybody is really curious about 400 legend? The Bolt upper would be sweet too.
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