The Best AR-15 & AR-10 Calibers for Hunting

Best Hunting Calibers Graphic
March 26, 2020 Edited March 9, 2023 12305 view(s)
The Best AR-15 & AR-10 Calibers for Hunting

Hunting Calibers

The caliber of your firearm is more than the size of the bullet, it’s the reason for your firearm’s existence. Most guns are designed around cartridges, not the other way around. And many exist solely to chamber and fire a single specific cartridge. Not for the trusty AR.

While initially designed around the 5.56 NATO cartridge, the AR platform is unique in that it has been evolved to employ a wide variety of cartridges, each with specific characteristics.  If you’re wondering what caliber or AR to buy, there is no one-size-fits-all. Each different cartridge available on the platform has unique characteristics, making them better or worse suited for specific applications.


Calibers vs. Cartridges

First, let’s clarify terms. Cartridge refers to the overall ammunition – case, bullet, propellant, primer – the whole pew pew. Caliber refers to the size of the bullet. The higher the number, the larger the bullet. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, caliber is just one characteristic of the cartridge. And the cartridge is what you put in the gun. (If it’s the right caliber.)

Determining which caliber of firearm is best for you depends on the type of game you’re after. Generally speaking, the larger the bullet caliber, the larger the game. If you’re using too small of a bullet caliber, you may not have the energy to take down your prey. Too large of a bullet, and you may ruin the hide or meat of what you’re shooting, not to mention wasting energy. Some hunters believe in a “less is more” approach, using a relatively low-power ammo for as big an animal as they can down with it. While others prefer “more is more,” pumping as much energy into a beast as they can bring to bear.

Whichever approach strikes your fancy, there’s no denying that some cartridge calibers are simply better suited for certain game than others. We’ll break down the different categories of game and which cartridges are best suited for which and what ammo goes along with them.

Keep in mind though, this is just a guide. Some calibers (like .450 Bushmaster) are just as effective as target shooters as they are at taking down game. And we are by no means suggesting we have all the answers. Some hunters and shooters will certainly disagree with our choices. But if you’re just starting out and wondering which caliber to buy, this article is a good place to start.


Matching Calibers to Game

Varmints and Small Game

Generally speaking, most AR calibers are too high powered for varmints or small game like squirrels and rabbits. If this is the game you’re after, you’d do better with a small caliber rifle like the .22 LR. But if you must execute the smaller game with an AR, anything bigger than a .223 or 5.56 NATO is not recommended.



For animals like coyotes or wildcats, you have a few options. .223 and 5.56 NATO are – by far – the most popular cartridges for the AR platform, and for good reason. After all, they’re what the AR platform was designed to shoot. .223 is also widely available and relatively inexpensive. You’ll have only a slightly harder time finding 5.56 NATO, but by-and-large, the two calibers are almost identical in bullet weight.

5.56 NATO can be loaded to higher pressures, which means you should avoid using 5.56 ammo in a .223 chambered rifle. Doing so could prove dangerous. Shooting .223 out of a 5.56 chambered rifle will not give you any problems, although the pressures will be reduced, leading to lower muzzle velocity. If you want the flexibility to shoot either cartridge with minimal loos of velocity, the .223 Wylde chambered rifle is designed to offer just that.

Whichever chambering you choose, either .223 or 5.56 NATO are more than adequate for taking down predators of any size.

For longer range or if you just want to pack a little extra firepower, .243 Winchester is a good choice. While potent enough for hogs (or even small deer), the .243 Winchester can offer gentle enough recoil for young people or first-time shooters, but enough power to bring down most large predators.

Don’t forget the venerable 7.62x39. This caliber made popular in the AK-47 is well-suited against predators of all sizes at medium to long range. Some deer hunters even swear by it.

We round out the mid-range predator calibers with .300 Blackout. Designed for use by the US military as a round to rival the 7.62x39, .300 Blackout performs almost identically to that round in every way, making it more than adequate for use against predators. As a side benefit, .300 Blackout is dramatically quieter that 7.62x39 and 556 NATO, making it a great choice for shooting subsonic with a suppressor. Its effective range cannot also be scoffed at.


Deer Hunting

While several of the calibers above are perfectly fine for hunting small deer, if you’re looking for a more powerful round to take on more powerful, well, deer (or elk), these calibers will give you the extra punch you’re looking for.

With the same case head size and powder capacity of the .223, the .350 Legend is an easy-shooting, straight-walled cartridge. It was specially developed to be legal in states that outlaw necked cartridges, with the added bonus of sporting larger grain bullets than .223 with enough power to take down larger game. A relatively new cartridge, .350 Legend has taken the shooting world by storm, and is currently one of the more popular AR cartridges, especially among deer and medium-sized game hunters.

If you live in a state that allows necked cartridges, chances are you’re already familiar with .308 Winchester. One of the most popular cartridges in the world, .308 has been used for decades by hunters of deer and all kinds of other game. Available on the AR-10 platform, .308 remains a venerable shooter.

For long-range performance on the smaller AR-15 platform6.5 Grendel is your huckleberry. Shooting a relatively flat trajectory with a high-velocity, mid-size projectile, 6.5 Grendel is as close to an all-around solid performer as exists on the AR 15 platform. It will bring down almost anything you set your sights to in the 300 yard range, which, for most hunting, is as far out as you’re likely to shoot anyway.


Large Game: Elk, Moose, Bison, Etc.

Traditionally the realm of heavy bolt-action rifles, the advent of the AR-10 platform and a handful of big-bore AR-15 cartridges have brought big game hunting to the modern sporting rifle. If hanging a large trophy on your wall is what you’re after, one of these cartridges may be what you need.

.458 SOCOM is a low-velocity, heavy grain cartridge suitable for shooting at short to medium range. Will it take down a bear? You bet. Do you want to get that close? Your call.

For something with power close to the .458 SOCOM, but in a straight-walled cartridge, look no further than .450 Bushmaster. Delivering up to a 300 grain bullet at muzzle velocities hovering at or just above 2,00 fps, the .450 Bushmaster is an immensely powerful round that’s legal in states that have outlawed bottle-necked cartridges.

The 12.7x42 is the cartridge for you if you want something akin to a .50 cal round in an AR platform rifle. Based on the ludicrously powerful .50 Action Express (think Desert Eagle), 12.7x42 mounts 300-400 grain bullets dumping between 2,330 and 2,8768 foot pounds of energy on-target. It is a slow, heavy, powerful cartridge, capable of taking down practically anything you want to mount on your wall with excessive force.

More popular with competitive long-range shooters than hunters, 6.5 Creedmoor is nevertheless a notable round here. Effective as a hunting round out to around 600 yards, Creedmoor puts serious firepower into “reach out and touch” range on the AR-10 platform. Better still, it does so with a relatively mild recoil, which will help you keep your aim true.

As we said up above, these are merely suggestions. Plenty of hunters have brought down plenty of game with plenty of calibers, and if you, too, want to try your hand at hunting everything on four legs with just one of these cartridges (or something else entirely), more power to you. But we hope this article gives you an idea of just how man cartridges are available for the AR platform, and what each was designed for. Your mileage, as always, may vary.

To help further in navigating picking out calibers we offer a beautiful infographic on picking out the best caliber for hunting with an AR-15. In this infographic we take a  deeper look at game animals and the effective ranges of each caliber bullet. Leave a comment down below about your favorite animals to hunt with an AR-15 and check out some of our helpful infographics!


Hunt With the Perfect Caliber

Hunting is a very exciting and fulfilling pastime. Going deer hunting is becoming more and more popular every year.



People hunt for a variety of different reasons. These include hunting for food, animal hides, exterminating varmints that damage crops and land, or just to commune with nature. Whatever the goal, it is vital to hunt in the most humane way possible. This can be done while still experiencing the thrill and joy of the hunt.  The selection of an appropriate hunting caliber can sometimes be a complex undertaking. That's why we've created this infographic to give you more information on the effective range, recoil level, and type of game that can be hunted with each caliber! 

***PLEASE NOTE: Most states have very specific laws governing the calibers and even types of firearms that can be used for hunting. Federal laws also apply. For example, it is illegal to kill migratory birds, which are protected by Federal game laws, with rifles. A partial list includes doves, geese, ducks, and crows. Be sure to check with your local Wildlife Commission for hunting laws in your area. We have included links to Wildlife Commissions in most states. Here.


Big Game Hunting Calibers



Remember: You CANNOT outrun a bear, so do not shoot it with a 5.56 or a 223. Select a caliber with a heavy bullet that has enough knockdown power to stop it.

Sometimes distance might be your ally when hunting some dangerous prey; in these cases, choosing a caliber with effective range and great stopping power is key.In addition to matching the caliber to the game you are hunting, bullet weight and type are also important. While a light-jacketed spire point may be adequate for small game, a heavy-jacketed flat nose may be best for thick hide, muscular game such as bear. Ammunition manufacturers have recommendations to help in matching the bullet to the game.


Deer and Varmint Hunting Calibers


Varmints include coyotes, prairie dogs, foxes and various rodents. Commonly known as pests, these animals are not particularly complicated to hunt as they are usually not for subsistence or hide harvesting. They are quite easy to kill and can be hunted using a wide range of calibers.


Long Range Hunting Calibers



Making sure you are in range might be a difficult task due to certain terrain so another thing to consider might be the weight of your rifle. When hunting animals that live in difficult terrains, such as mountains, a lightweight rifle would be ideal.

If you have further questions or need help in figuring out what caliber would be best for your needs, check out our blog on ' The best AR calibers'. If you still have questions please contact us on social media or through our amazing customer service! Look out for more entertaining and informative blogs coming soon.


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Cedric Richards Sr
February 9, 2023
Can a 458 SOCOM take down a Wild Boar to kill?
November 4, 2023
Like it knows what it’s doing.
Cedric Richards Sr
February 9, 2023
I bought my 458 SOCOM and 12.7x42 from Bear Creek
Brian Roe
September 20, 2023
I use my firearms for hunting - not for the "coolness" factor at the gun range. I also live in one of those states that allow/ require a certain size straight wall cartridge in order to use a rifle to hunt deer. I have the BCA right side charging; .350 Legend; 20" non fluted, parkerized, heavy barrel - complete upper for this purpose. It is great for blind hunting. No so much for stalk hunting (too heavy, too long). I am not a fan of the M4 barrel profile. I am a fan of the heavy barrel profile. I do not care either way about fluting. I DO care about the "flash" from an uncoated stainless steel barrel -or- the "flash" from a coated barrel that has uncoated fluting. Again, I am a hunter. I do not want to "flash" my presents to wildlife. My request - Please produce a right side charging; .350 Legend; 16" fluted or not fluted, 100% parkerized or black nitride coated, heavy barrel - complete upper. Thank you for your consideration.
John Walker Jr
October 31, 2023
Do y’all have plans for the 400 Legend yet?
Eric Riddick
October 31, 2023
I would like to make a comment about the terminal ballistics of 5.56 NATO bullets. If you use a premium bullet, specifically a 62 to 70 grain Barnes Bullet TSX or TAC-X, you can take deer at short ranges, say inside 100 yards out of a longer barrelled, fast twist rate AR15. That 62 to 70 grain .224 diameter Barnes Bullet has four pedals that folds back as it enters the target. It's more than a varmint cartridge using that particular bullet. It is a specialist bullet. I agree with BCA claims regarding the traditional 55 to 62 grain 5.56 NATO is a varmint round.
Cody Slaugh
November 1, 2023
300 Black out at 500 yards, given Hornady custom best deer load at 135 grains, would put 300 ft/lbs on target at 500 yards. With over 12 feet of drop. Not a 500 yard cartridge. You would be better off with a 223 at that range. And a 450 bushmaster is a 300 yard elk cartridge, but the 6.5 Creedmore is not? The 450 bushmaster with a 250 grain bullet is putting out 870 ft/lbs at 300 yards. The 6.5 with a 140 grain bullet is putting out 1623 ft/lbs at 300, double what the 450 is. The 6.5 is still putting out 1273 ft/lbs at 500 yards. I would wager the 6.5 grendel would be a more appropriate elk cartridge than the 450 beyond 200 yards.
Bruce Barr
January 30, 2024
Man this was great, it has helped me make a decision on my next upper. Thanks Bruce Barr
Paul Migliaccio
April 15, 2024
You left out the 224 Valkyrie from your discussion. Designed around the 90 grain Sierra Matchking bullet, the 224 Valkyrie can achieve ballistic performance rivaling that of the 6.5 Creedmoor and 6.8 Grendel cartridges, still supersonic at 1000yrds, with soft recoil.
Paul Migliaccio
April 15, 2024
I would be very interested in an upper, in SW460mag. Would BC barrels handle such pressure levels of the cartridge?? Anyone else be interested in a 460mag upper?
Paul Costanzo
April 15, 2024
Very informative article! Any additional references for 6.5 Creedmore, for reloading? Thanks
tim aleshire
April 15, 2024
I deer hunt with the 350 legend an the 450bushmaster. Both are awesome rounds woods hunting I use the 450 small fields I use the 350
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